Sarah Gordin, Multidisciplinary Artist

"I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; And because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can do." —Helen Keller
Sarah Gordin is a teaching artist, director, and choreographer. She has taught at multiple organizations working with young people including The Rose Theater in Omaha, Nebraska, Gas Lamp Players in New Jersey, Broadway Workshop in New York City, Camp Deeny Riback in New Jersey, The Civic Theatre of Allentown, PA, The JCC of Allentown, and Casa Guadalupe Allentown Community Center. Sarah is also a musical theatre/creative drama instructor on She has directed/choreographed a youth production of Shrek Jr, as well as co-directed a digital production of Frankenstein at the Rose Theater which gained international attention, and was performed at Dramebaazi, a theatre festival based in India. At the Dramebazzi Festival, Sarah also taught and worked digitally with students in India, ages 11-16, to devise a production about the children's time in quarantine, as well as being a guest instructor, teaching a Creative Drama class for ages 5-10. Sarah has studied at Muhlenberg College, the Theatre Academy of London, and is about to embark on the National Theatre Advanced Directing Intensive at the Eugene O'Neill Theatre Center.
TAP Work:
"As part of TAP, I attended the virtual workshops from Allentown, PA where I was located for my final semester of college. Then, I moved back home to NJ to complete the program. I was in the Arts Administration Fieldwork with Katie Rainey. I learned about grant writing and even started to develop my own program working with neurodiverse children to put on a musical! I also attended many electives learning about trauma-based pedagogy, and lesson plan design which I find so helpful when thinking about the classes that I teach."
Most Memorable TAP Moment:
"I loved the first salon that we had as a TAP cohort. It was two days after the 2020 presidential election and so tension was high waiting for the results. However, it was so beautiful to get to come together as a community and share art. I showed a video of a dance that I created about my feelings as a first-time voter and the stress that I was feeling. I also loved getting to hear so much poetry and see and hear about the artwork that was shown. We are all teaching artists in TAP, but we are also all individual artists and creators as well!"
Find out more about Sarah here: