Crystal Yeung, Writer

"Let joy be an act of resistance."
Crystal Yeung is a queer femme Asian American poet with an MFA in Poetry from the College of New Rochelle. She holds a BA in English literature and was a part of the CCNY Language & Literacy MA program. Her writing can be found in Rabbit Catastrophe Review, Poets & Writers, Perigee, TAYO, and descant. She is recipient of Poets & Writers Amy Award and descant Betsy Colquitt Poetry Award, serves as chair for the PEN Prison Writing Program, and Poetry and Reviews Co-Editor at Apogee Journal.
TAP Work:
"I've had the immense honor of working with fellow organizers, educators, artists, and folx who are in the front lines in social services. I've also been able to find a fellow artist community that is passionate about finding best practices to utilize art as a vehicle for social change. One of the unique watershed moments here is realizing that others' lived experiences, esp. something like pedagogical/artistic practice/or personal work, is something that you can learn from as well and probably supersedes any book or theory you can read or learn about."
Find out more about Crystal here:
My journal's website:
