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Afua (Rachel) Ansong, Writer

Jay Howard

Afua Ansong is a scholar and artist currently pursuing a Ph.D. in English Literature and an M.B.A at the University of Rhode Island. Her work interrogates representations of black female subjectivities in African Diaspora Literature. She is currently working on a collection of poems about the material culture and poetic elements of the Adinkra Symbols from Ghana. Specifically, she is recording how art serves as a mode of expression and survival for enslaved Akans in bondage. She has published work in Prairie Schooner, Four Way Review, Maine Review and other journals. She has received scholarships from Breadloaf and Blue Mountain Center. More of her work is at

TAP Work:

"As a scholar and artist, TAP has really helped me to define the scope of the work I do and prompted me to think more intentionally about the role of social justice and equity in the work I do. I am currently looking to apply for grants that will allow me to use the new vocabulary around artivism I have recently developed through TAP."

Most Memorable TAP Moment:

"My most memorable moment in tap was when we all created art pieces using colors from our homes and then we would show them on the camera."

Find out more about Afua here:


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