Michael Feldman, Playwright

Michael Feldman is a playwright from Dallas, living in Brooklyn. Prior to pursuing politics, Michael worked in politics, interning at the White House as an intern on the Domestic Policy Council’s education team and on the advance team for President Obama and then working as a researcher at Everytown for Gun Safety. Michael was a member of Field Research Team and Strategic Planning Committee of The Civilians. Current projects include a musical about a Baptist church and a play about a delicatessen.

TAP Work:
Michael has been interning in a 1st grade classroom at PS 316, in Shawn Ferreyra and Mary Cinadr’s visual arts and writing residency. With Malia Braithwaite, he created and taught a lesson plan to the students. In addition, he collaborated with Noelle Lorraine Williams on developing a lesson plan and teaching path.

Most Memorable TAP Moment:
"A highlight for me of TAP was teaching a lesson to our students at PS 316. After a semester of getting to know them, it was so exciting to share my art with the students. Throughout the semester, they had worked on creating animal friends and we worked on space and setting. I was so lucky to be paired with Malia Braithwaite whose warmth and confidence in the classroom was inspiring. I watched in awe as she led an activity where the students acted out their animals moving through different spaces. She set me up for success for the activity that I lead, drawing maps of each animals living areas. After learning so much in the TAP classroom, it was so gratifying to experience teaching and I will never forget my first time co-teaching in a classroom."
Check out Michael's Lesson Plan he created in his CWP residency.

Interested in TAP? Find out more about our 2018-19 Program.
See more of our 2017-18 Graduates in the 2018 TAP Anthology!