Avi Glickstein, Theatre Artist

Avi is a theater artist who came to New York after growing up between Miami Beach, Florida, and Worcester, Massachusetts. He is a Collaborator with experimental music and theater company Object Collection, who he’s worked with since 2004. He has also (mostly to his own surprise) performed in work by composers and artists such as Jennifer Walshe, Cornelius Cardew, Christian Kesten, Richard Foreman, Target Margin Theater, Sylvan Oswald, and Michael Pisaro. He completed the two-year Meisner training program at the William Esper Studio, received his MFA in Dramatic Writing from NYU, and currently lives in Brooklyn with his three favorite people.

TAP Work:
As a New & Beginning Trainee with TAP, Avi interned with Javan Howard and Taylor Valentine at IS 126 in Queens and with Leonie Bell through Wingspan Arts at PS 130 in Brooklyn, all three TAP Alums. He also participated in as many cohort seminars as possible, relishing the chance to interact with organizations like Dreamyard Project, Opening Act, Teachers & Writers Collaborative, The Center for Arts Education, and more.

Most Memorable TAP Moment:
“During my internship at IS 126, I worked in two classrooms, one of which was a self-contained class. That class's concentration and behavior varied wildly from week to week. One day, I asked about leading the warm-up and wanted to do a game called "One Word Story," in which each person offers a word moving around a circle to collectively build a story. There was some doubt about whether it would work (I think someone tossed me a "good luck"), but when we started doing the exercise, the students lit up and got pretty excited about it. Laughing even. That day just stuck with me as something to hold in my mind when people doubt the ability or willingness of students to engage."
Find out more about Avi here:
Check out Avi's Lesson Plan he presented in his CWP residency.

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See more of our 2017-18 Graduates in the 2018 TAP Anthology!