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Teaching Artist Project
May 17, 20192 min read
Melissa Liu, Visual Artist
Melissa has worked at the intersection of arts and social change work through different roles as a cultural worker/administrator,...

Avi Glickstein, TAP 2017-18
Aug 29, 20183 min read
Sharing My Passion: Scaffolding and Sweating in Astoria
As part of our apprenticeships in NYC classrooms, TAP trainees are responsible for co-teaching a full lesson at some point. Mine was...

Katie Rainey
May 18, 20182 min read
Chelsea Asher, Writer
Chelsea Asher a half Californian, half Brit with a passion for story-telling and teaching, now based in Brooklyn. She graduated from Bath...

Katie Rainey
May 18, 20182 min read
Avi Glickstein, Theatre Artist
Avi is a theater artist who came to New York after growing up between Miami Beach, Florida, and Worcester, Massachusetts. He is a...

Avi Glickstein, TAP 2017-18
Mar 26, 20183 min read
Classroom Curve Balls (Or the Proper Care and Feeding of Lesson Plans)
Adapt or perish. H.G. Wells was talking about evolution when he coined that, but it can as easily be applied to teaching artistry. It’s...
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