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2017-2018 TAP Anthology

Katie Rainey

Presenting the Graduates of the 2017-2018 Teaching Artist Project (TAP). This anthology is a compilation of their work, experiences and the fun we've all had together during this academic year.

Community-Word Project's TAP is in its 20th year and is the longest-standing professional development program open to the Teaching Artist field by a non-profit organization in New York City. TAP prepares Teaching Artists to provide high-quality arts education to underserved youth in New York City public schools. The rigorous training involves intensive seminars in curriculum design and teaching techniques, led by CWP staff, Teaching Artists and the TAP Cohort. During this yearlong training, participants gain invaluable classroom experience interning with mentor Teaching Artists, in both during-school and after-school multi-disciplinary collaborative arts residencies.

The 2017-18 class of 29 visual and media artists, writers, musicians, dancers and theatre artists learned how to transform creative processes into teaching tools, experimented with how to create lesson plans and teaching paths that meet state and city standards, explored Gardner's Multiple Intelligences, investigated the Common Core State Standards, tried out a myriad of classroom management strategies, developed co-teaching and partnership skills, incorporated inquiry and reflection in their lessons, and helped students create work, remembering to remain relevant to students' lives and to create community.

Special Thanks

TAP is made possible through the generous support of New York State Council on the Arts, Governer Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature, New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council, The Wiley Fund, The Dan Paul Foundation, the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, the Altman Foundation, and the Seth Sprague Educational and Charitable Foundation.

TAP Facilitators

CWP Staff

Michele Kotler, Founder & Executive Director Leigh Wells, Deputy Director of Programs & Operations Craig Hayes, Deputy Director of External Affairs Patti Chilsen, Artistic Director for Professional Development

David King, Program Director for School Partnerships Katie Rainey, Managing Director for Training & Communications

Autumn Tilson, Program Manager, School Partnerships Kat Bloomfield, Development Manager Racquel Feurtado, Development Assistant

A special thanks to this year's CWP, Marquis Studios, Arts for All, Citizen Schools & Wingspan Arts Mentors.

CWP Mentor Teaching Artists:

Special thanks to all of our arts-in-education partners who make up the TAP Cohort and helped make this year a unique collaboration. This year, we were able to offer collaborative elective seminars facilitated and hosted by various arts organizations. The TAP Cohort also collaborated to put on a panel called The Business of Teaching Artistry: A Panel on Professionalism as well as the 2018 Arts in Education Job Fair.

These series of professional development seminars and panels were available to Teaching Artists outside of TAP and that was made possible by the collaborative efforts of CWP and the following organizations:

Over the year, our TAP trainees participated in a series of workshops, seminars and residencies to complete their internship. The fall workshops were dedicated to creative elements, scaffolding and presenting lessons, reflection and assessment, classroom management, exploring social justice in the classroom, exploring philosophy and pedagogy, and creating philosophical statements. In the spring, TAP held a series of elective seminars in collaboration with the TAP Cohort, and each trainee was placed in a CWP residency at various schools throughout NYC, including:

PS 132 Juan Pablo Duarte, Washington Heights PS 279 Captain Manuel Rivera, Bronx PS 84 Jose De Diego, Brooklyn PS 316 Elijah Stroud, Brooklyn PS 171 Peter G. Van Alst School

IS 126 Albert Shanker School of Visual & Performing Arts

PS 1 The Bergen Elementary School

PS 17 Henry David Thoreau The Young Women's Leadership School, Queens

Many trainees also completed an after school residency in partnership with Wingspan Arts, and additional internship tracks with Arts for All, Marquis Studios and Citizen Schools.

In celebration of their creativity, we are sharing each TAP graduate's work and artistry in this anthology. This compilation includes biographies, memorable moments, photographs, quotes, lesson plans, artistic samples and more to give you a full picture of their accomplishments this year.

A Letter from the TAP Facilitators: Dear TAP Class of 2017-18, Congratulations! You are all now TAP Alums and we are very excited to welcome such a dynamic, conscientious group of artists into our alumni community. What a year it has been to get here! You have brought your honesty, your passion, and your dedication to the training, validating the importance of learning, expanding, growing, and imagining this a more equitable and inclusive world. In the words of Dr Maxine Greene, "Imagination is the capacity to think of things as if they could be otherwise." That is the first step to growth - being able to see the need and envision the possibilities. We have watched you grow as artists and educators, and we are so proud to graduate this class. As a diverse, thoughtful community, you have challenged one another and yourselves to take artistic risks and to think deeply about the lessons you bring to the classrooms. It has been an honor to see that happen and to watch the way you navigate the world of arts education. You have also challenged and inspired us to grow - that is a true gift of exchange. Through your eagerness to grow and make a difference in this world, we are renewed in our hope for the future of arts education. Thank you for making the time and space to do this work. You've pushed each other as well as this program, and your talent and and integrity will enrich your own art-making as well as the field of Teaching Artistry. We wish you joy and peace as you continue to grow. Please keep in touch as you carry your light not only into the Teaching Artist field, but out into the world. The TAP community is always here for you, whenever you need it. And never forget: you have a voice, your voice is powerful, and your voice will change this world. It has been a privilege for us all to work with you this year. With much respect, Patti, Karla, Scott, Heidi, Katie and the TAP Cohort

Presenting the 2017-18 TAP Graduating Class! Click on their names below to find out more about them.

The 2017-18 TAP Anthology was designed by Katie Rainey.

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